Stay in touch with Annette:


I write because I’m curious about the inner lives of people: what motivates, thrills, scares and drives them. How do love and relationships save us from ourselves? How does the human heart survive tragedy to reclaim love and joy? How do love, desire, hope, betrayal, loyalty, jealousy, and ambition, bend the curve of our lives? What stories are universal but individual? How do hurt people managed to love again? How does our past play out in our relationships across families and generations?

These are the ideas I love exploring in my stories. I hope you will, too.

Five Stars for Do-Over Daughter

Do-Over Daughter, a Marriage Survivors Club book by Annette Nauraine was an enjoyable quick read for me. I did not read the prequel, but began this series with this book which I purchased on Amazon. I am looking forward to the rest of Annette’s books in this series. The characters draw you in and you want to find out what happens next!